In 1998, Addiction Recovery Care CEO & Founder Tim Robinson graduated undergrad from the University of the Cumberlands. He would soon be accepted into law school at the University of Kentucky.
Before he would start, however, Tim would learn his mother had terminal lung cancer.
Drinking excessively became Tim's way to cope with the loss of his mother. He graduated law school and began his professional career all while battling alcoholism.

Tim found sobriety on December 11, 2006.
A court bailiff and local pastor guided Tim to recovery and a relationship with Christ, while he served as Assistant County Attorney in Lawrence County.

Tim resigned as a prosecuting attorney in Lawrence County and gave his private law practice to his partner.
In the ensuing months Tim would embark on a grassroots campaign to start a ministry for those suffering from a Substance Use Disorder (SUD).

Tim opens the first of what would become of many addiction treatment facilities in Kentucky.
Karen's Place opened as a recovery center for women in Louisa, Kentucky. The first client served was Vanessa Keeton, today she serves as ARC's Vice President of Marketing.
The facility is still open and continues to serve women.

Addiction Recovery Care accepted Kentucky's first Medicaid patient into treatment.
A year prior Kentucky expanded Medicaid to cover substance use treatment services. Studies have found the number of Medicaid beneficiaries in the Commonwealth jumped 700% due to the expansion.

ARC leaders create a vocational track to accompany the recovery model.
The flagship vocational training program, has seen success rates of over 80 percent, with success being defined as living in recovery and being employed.
Students who have successfully completed the program with all certifications and have been in recovery for one year are eligible for employment as a Kentucky Peer Support Specialist with ARC or with any behavioral health agency that bills Medicaid for addiction treatment. Through a partnership, graduates are eligible to receive 28 quarter college credit hours to use toward furthering their education.
Since then ARC has expanded possible vocational tracks to include auto mechanics, carpentry, general maintenance, welding and more.

Crown Recovery Center is 52 acres of hope and is the largest Addiction Campus in the United States and opened in November, 2020. The campus located in Springfield, Kentucky and is able to serve more than 700 clients daily

Today, ARC operates a network of over 30 licensed addiction treatment centers in 22 Central and Eastern Kentucky counties, serving approximately 2,000 individuals.
In the next year leaders expect to open facilities in Owensboro and Russell, Kentucky. They also announced plans to open a facility in Virginia, a timetable for that project has not been finalized.